When one honors the Olde ways, an "Easter Bunny" takes on a whole different meaning...
"She's a hare. Rowan's a hare... not a silly old rabbit."
Tip of my pointed hat to you if you know the source of the quote.
Hair ~ Phoenix Tiana
Skin ~ Belleza Callie
Body ~ Maitreya Lara 3.5
Outfit ~ LiViD Green Witch Doll Box includes hat, boots and scripted basket [Classic, Belleza, Maitreya, Slink] *
Boots ~ LiViD Included with the Green Witch outfit *
Nails ~ Dark Passions Koffin Nails Magic Crystals [9 colors / Maitreya, Omega, Slink] *
Jewelry ~ Vengeful Threads Ostara's Blessing necklace [12 textures] EXCLUSIVE *
Zombie Suicide Eve Earrings [18 textures] EXCLUSIVE *
Rabbits ~ PSYCHO:Byts Witchy Rabbits available for left or right hand (animated) and in static poses for decorating [5 colors of fur] *
Pose ~ Posideon Ostara Book of Shadows [6 poses with book props available separately or in a fatpack] *
*Available @ the Ostara's Altar Event
Honoring the soft, yet magically dark side of spring, this event will appeal to those that dabble in the dark arts of witchcraft, pastel goth, NuGoth, Victorian, magic, whimsical and spookiness in general.
Bonus ~ 5L$ Egg Hunt
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