Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sci Fi Con ~ Rlyeh

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
(In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming)

Have you visited Sci Fi Con? Did you realize that a good portion of the builds are underwater?

For those who are brave (or foolish) enough to look beneath the surface, there are wonders to be found!

Go to the landing zone at Rlyeh. Take the stairs down to the middle platform. Search till you find the lift. When you arrive at the correct level, go to the Diving Suit Changing Room and claim a suit from the locker as your free gift. Change into the diving suit (right click the file in your inventory and "wear". It will take off all your mesh and alpha your body so that you can wear the suit). 

From there, p
ush the button hovering by the platform in the Pacific Marine Research Facility of Miskatonic University to take the Bathysphere to the ocean floor. (You know, the blue orb just outside the bay door with the big "DANGER" sign).

Follow the floating buoy lights as you explore the ocean depths and if you don't get totally lost in the dark, eventually you'll find the magnificent build that holds... 

Cthulhu's Throne.
This underwater realm was envisioned and brought to fruition by Arik Metzger and his minions. You may even see the mysterious builder and his grid-famous cat, Fuzzbutt, lingering around the Rlyeh docks. 

This picture was taken at one of Arik's readings back home at Innsmouth, a light RP region dedicated to the works of H.P. Lovecraft. 
Movies every Wednesday, 1 p.m. slt. Other activities announced in group notices.

Sci-fi Con, sponsored by Linden Labs and the Michael J Fox Foundation and supported by a variety of RP communities in Second Life, runs from May 24-June 4.

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